MHFA Supervision & Support
While MHFAiders® work to support others, they need support too. It is a crucial part of ensuring that MHFAiders® stay effective, confident and motivated to help their colleagues. Through their training and certification with Hope Health, MHFAiders® have the option to become part of Hope Health’s MHFA Supervision Community.
With access to the Hope Healths MHFA Supervision & Support Membership, they have access to:
MHFA Supervision Membership
This service aims to empower you as an MHFAider to deliver the best quality Mental Health First Aid and to ensure you stay as confident as you felt when you left the training room. It also provides support and an outlet to offload and manage your own mental wellbeing.
This service is for anyone who has completed the MHFA England 2 day course and is practicing Mental Health First Aid in their workplace or community
Hope Healths MHFA Supervision and Support service is not there to replace clinical therapy or professional help.
Our service seeks to provide a safe environment for MHFAs to actively engage and reflect upon their practice and improve their skills as an MHFAider
What can you expect from MHFA supervision & support?
This service is designed specifically to support the workplace mental health first aiders to provide further development and support in their role as an MHFAider. They will become part of a wider MHFA community on a privately hosted platform. The Membership includes access to:
Annual learning needs assessment
When MHFAs join the community we encourage them to book a 30 min 1-2-1 with an MHFA Supervisor to discuss and hopes, fears, concerns, skills or knowledge gaps and any plans/actions. We would then encourage MHFAiders to book in their annual check in 12 months later. * if you would like this service Face to Face, please speak to one of the Hope Health team
Quarterly Group Supervision Sessions
An online group held quarterly with no more than 20 people for 1 hour that provides the opportunity to discuss any barriers to being an MHFA in the workplace and open discussions around various case studies they may have encountered through the previous period. The session provides reassurance and guidance for similar future cases they may encounter. * if you would like this service just for your company MHFAs either online or Face to Face, please speak to one of the Hope Health team
1-2-1 Support
The MHFAider can book a 1-2-1 support session with an MHFAider Supervisor to discuss any concerns, fears, worries, boundaries of the role, confidential case studies that an MHFAider may be struggling to implement the MHFA Action Plan with an individual or if they need MHFA support themselves. This is not a therapy or counsellor session. Our service seeks to provide a safe environment for MHFAs to actively engage and reflect upon their practice and improve their skills as an MHFAider* if you would like this service Face to Face, please speak to one of the Hope Health team
MHFA Thrive -On-going development
As part of the role MHFAs are encouraged to continue their learning around the topic of Mental Health. Our MHFA Thrive sessions aim to further MHFA development, to ensure they are kept up to date with any developments in mental health support options and approaches, non-judgemental listening, signposting and resources, risk management and much more. Our Thrive sessions cover a wide range of subjects, from lived experience speakers to practical support and guidance for being an MHFAider. These sessions are also recorded so you can watch back. This service will also provide you with further guidance and resources to help support you in your role.
Community & Peer-to-Peer Support
The platform has a live chat where members can get to know one another, ask questions and share helpful information when it comes to Mental Health and MHFA. They can also provide peer-to-peer support and guidance.